Care Instructions
How to Care For Your Ddm Jewelry ✨
✨ Gold filled jewelry has a layer of gold pressure-bonded to quality jewelers brass and contains 5% gold by weight. Inner material is brass.
✨Our 14K gold filled jewelry is also lead and nickel free, which are the most common materials to cause allergic reactions to jewelry. So even those with sensitive skin can enjoy wearing our 14K gold fill jewelry!
✨POOLS & HOT TUBS: the chemicals that are used to keep pools and hot tubs clean don't mix well with gold-filled jewelry and will cause tarnishing.
✨BODY CHEMISTRY: hormones vary from person to person and for some people, less than 10% of people, their body chemistry may not mix well with 14K gold fill so you will see jewelry tarnishing a bit quicker. Unless you know how your body reacts to 14K gold fill, the only way to find out is to try it.
✨SWEAT: sweat contains all kinds of chemicals and salt, both of which create a harsh environment for your jewelry. So, while exercising it is best to take your jewelry off.
✨PRODUCTS: This includes things like beauty products, perfumes, lotions, nail polish remover, etc. It is best to minimize these products ending up on our jewelry. You can do this by putting on your jewelry last or taking it off while using these products.
✨SUNSCREEN: sunscreen is not a friend of 14K gold-fill. It is always best to avoid getting sunscreen on your jewelry, it is one of the worst culprits in this category.
✨CLEANING SUPPLIES: Many cleaning products contain chemicals that can harm your jewelry so it is always a good idea to remove your jewelry to avoid contact with a cleaning product.